These seven Indonesian designers featured alluring batik designs in New York Indonesia Fashion Week.

Erigo, an Indonesian fashion brand, has successfully made its way through the New York Fashion Week (NFYW) 2022—one of the most prestigious stages in the fashion industry.
Now, we could feel pride in these Indonesian designers who managed to perform in the United States. Seven Indonesian designers were featured at the fashion show co-hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) New York and NYFW.
New York Indonesia Fashion Week (NYIFW) was held on September 10, 2021, at the Pancasila Room of the Indonesian Consulate General in New York. The fashion show, titled 'Batik Fashion and Culture’, featured five Indonesian designers or brand owners in attendance, as well as two Indonesian diaspora designers from New York.
The fashion show was attended by around 100 participants, including make-up artists, models, fashion department lecturers, the ASEAN Consul General in New York, vloggers, and fashion entrepreneurs.
Seven amazing designers
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The five designers or brand owners from Indonesia were Koni Permana featuring Kampoeng Tjibarani, Indah Darry, Sakamade Boutique by Tari Made, Mama Theodora by Theodora Matruttyu De Lima, and DR. Rosaline Rumaseuw by Indah Darry.
While the two Indonesian diasporas from New York were Marry Indo by Merry Salmeri and Sasmita Batik by Novi Palluch.
The alluring batik collections
These designers display a lot of stunning batik collections. The first collection that kicked off the event was from Kampoeng Tjibarani Bandung, which displayed beautiful audiovisuals, symbolizing the ceremonial to welcome Dewi Sri.
Dewi Sri is known as the Goddess of Agriculture. The depiction of Dewi Sri is portrayed with a dress made by Joni Permana, who shows an elegant black nuance combined with golden patterns. The visualization symbolizes rice ready to be harvested and portrays western Java's agrarian society and its care for natural surroundings.
Then there's Indah Darry's Borneo-inspired batik. Designer Tari Made also made a beautiful collection, combining modern fashion models such as a hoodie with a Balinese dancer's batik pattern through a combination of bright colors while still paying attention to existing batik standards.
Theodora Matrutty de Lima's fashion was next. It was dominated by woven fabrics with designs inspired by local wisdom and the nature of the Maluku region, which is rich in marine resources. There were accents of fishes and shellfish in the designs.
Meanwhile, designer Novi Palluch was seen displaying casual clothes in bright colors such as light blue, yellow, and light brown that were suitable for use in the summer.
The fashion show was closed by the appearance of a special Papuan batik design by DR. Rosaline Rumaseuw by Indah Darry. The Papuan batik motif has a special design that incorporates elements of the earth's richness and uniqueness, as well as Papuan culture. It is beautifully incorporated in a batik pattern design that successfully captures the attention.
Meeting Place for Designers and Business Owners in New York
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The NYIFW was hoped to promote a multi-ethnic and cultural Indonesia, which was shown through the collections appearing in the show. The audiences could see various patterns of Indonesian batik that appear in the event. Starting from West Java, Kalimantan, Maluku, Bali, to Papua which illustrates an agrarian and maritime Indonesian society.
The show was an opportunity to show diversity through the participation of cross-generational, multi-ethnic models, Indonesian citizens, and also Americans who are part of the Indonesian diaspora. Endang Arifi, the chairman of the DWP of the Indonesian Consulate General in New York, also modeled outfits designed by Joni Permana and Indah Darry.
It was not only a promotional event for Indonesia's creative industries but also a meeting place for Indonesian designers and brand owners with New York fashion industry players. Indonesian batik designers have always seen New York as a way to break into the New York market.
Ben Hartley, Executive Director of The National Arts of New York, a distinguished organization of art and culture observers in New York, was pleased with the show.
He praised NYIFW 2021, which not only encourages the creative sector but also the diversity of Indonesian culture, shown in the Tarawangsa performance by Kampoeng Tjibarani. He even stated that the organization is interested in further cooperation.
The Indonesian Consul General in New York, Arifi Saiman, and the Chairperson of the DWP of the Indonesian Consulate General in New York, Endang Arifi, presented flowers to the designers as a token of thanks at the closing of NYIFW.
While Vanny Tousignant, the producer of NYFW 2022, also presented a plaque to the Indonesian Consul General in New York for their collaboration and dedication to the New York fashion community.
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