Rain shaman Rara Istiani Wulandari successfully repelled heavy rain at Sunday's MotoGP event at the Mandalika Circuit in Lombok, NTB.

Rain shaman was called to ward off rain at the Mandalika Circuit during the MotoGP event, Sunday, March 20, 2022. Rara Istiani Wulandari service was needed as heavy rain would not stop pouring causing a one-hour delay in start time.
She received compliments on her work as the rain subsided immediately as she did her ritual.
@MotoGP tweeted “The master,” showing a video of Rara’s ritual, then followed by “IT WORKED!” as the rain subsided.
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Her rain shaman ritual was reported by news media across the world including Periodicodaily from Italy, Mundo Deportivo from Spain, and Speed Week from Germany.
The Rain
Rain pours Mandalika Circuit starting at around 2:30 p.m. WITA yet the race starts at 3 p.m. WITA. Although, MotoGP insisted on forgoing the competition on the date but at an unknown time.
Thankfully, Rara came in to enact her rain shaman ritual drawing the attentions of MotoGP racers who are in their paddock. Especially Monster Energy Yamaha racer Fabio Quartararo.
He imitated Rara’s action of circling her ritual tool which is a golden bowl. But since he lacks the instrument, Quartararo used an ice cream box and spoon as he imitated the shaman at his paddock which evoked a burst of laughter in the audience.
Racers then took their positions in the starting line at 4:15 p.m. WITA even if the rain has not completely stopped.
The Ritual
Rara said her rain ritual needs ice or wood’s ashes. She said it uses the power of prayers and local wisdom of Indonesia’s past. “I use this gift to help the continuation of the event,” added Rara.
Rara circled the circuit and placed offerings at certain locations including the race control gate, starting line, and the circuit’s indoor location.
Rara was given a private tent at the circuit’s main gate behind the fence. Her tent was labelled “The Green Gate” and had an offering for the rain rituals. Offerings are usually not for human consumption, but Rara gave them to people anyway.
Rara Istiani Wulandari Profile
Rara started as a rain shaman at only nine years of age working for wayang events.
“At nine years old I was already looking for my own money from [working at] wayang events, and I have not used incense as a rain shaman at the time. I said to the wayang leader that I can help on preventing rain,” Rara said.
She is worked for other big events including the weddings of public figures. Her biggest shot was working on Asian Games 2018 dan AFC U-19 at the football match between Indonesia and Japan.
Rara is also known as a Tarot card reader and the oracle of several celebrities in the country.
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