ASIX Token, an Indonesian-made token developed by Indonesian celebrity couple, Anang and Ashanty, is not that "ASIX" for some apparently. No pun intended.

ASIX Token, locally known as Token ASIX, is an Indonesian-made cryptocurrency developed by celebrity couple Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty, alongside IDM Token CEO MC Basyar.
The token initially gained relatively good traction and was sold out in the private sale. With many investors keen on investing in the token, the server went down during the initial release presale on January 26, 2022.
For those who are uninitiated, ASIX Token is similar to any other cryptocurrency giants such as Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and Ethereum — although, to be fair, comparing ASIX Token with Dogecoin is not a thing one should do. What differentiated ASIX Token from these giants is that ASIX Token is a token instead of a coin.
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Therefore, what is a token, and what is a coin in crypto? Simply put, a coin is a digital asset that runs on its independent blockchain, such as Bitcoin in Bitcoin blockchain and Ether in Ethereum, while a token is released for a particular project which can be used for payment to enjoy services by the provider. Additionally, a token tends to be used or hosted in another coin's blockchain, in Ethereum or Waves, for example.
Anang's crypto token, misunderstanding and more
Moreover, unlike the high-achieving and crowd-favorite cryptocurrencies above, ASIX Token excels in causing chaos for both local cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors after the token was banned for crypto assets transactions in Indonesia by the Commodity Futures Trading Agency (CoFTRA).
CoFTRA tweeted on February 10, 2022, that ASIX Token is banned for trade and deemed the coin not eligible for crypto-asset transactions as it was not included in the 229 qualified crypto assets in accordance with CoFTRA Regulation Number 7 Year 2020.
The tweet has stirred up the token's market price and led to its downfall, quite literally. CoinMarketCap recorded ASIX token had dropped to its all-time low price of $0.000002 (Rp 0.029) on the exact date when CoFTRA made the announcement above.
However, CoFTRA delivered a follow-up statement to the media the next day, saying that there was a slight misunderstanding. They said they actually meant that the token cannot yet be sold in the local exchanges (At that time, ASIX was only traded on the decentralized exchange PancakeSwap, which is based abroad). It can be traded in local exchanges after it is registered.
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ASIX Token made its recovery after CoFTRA's follow-up statement, although the token's price is still unstable, and it might as well have reached its all-time peak before CoFTRA's announcement, meaning that some might have lost their money forever.
Several late players are now asking for "a refund". A cry for help from one of the token holders asking for a refund because "fasting month is just around the corner" has been made into a meme among the local crypto community.
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