Who’s never try Aceh noodles?


Who’s never try Aceh noodles? This Aceh local culinary is indeed very popular and everyone likes it. You don't need to go to Aceh if you want to feel this full of spicy pleasure. You can easily find Aceh noodles everywhere in Indonesia, besides, you can make it at home because the process is not complicated and the ingredients are easy to find in the market.

If you are a big fan of Aceh noodles, let's check this article and star to make it in your home.

Aceh noodles using wet noodle type

One of the characteristics of Aceh noodles is using wet yellow noodles. The texture of this noodle is softer and its size is bigger than egg noodles. Wet yellow noodles are not easy to become mushy, even when cooked with gravy.

Complementary vegetables for Aceh noodles

The Aceh noodle dish is certainly not perfect without the addition of vegetables as complementary ingredients. Vegetables that are usually added to Aceh noodles are bean sprouts, cabbage, and spring onions. All vegetables must be washed thoroughly with running water. Cabbage and scallions should be finely chopped so that they blend easily with the noodles and seasonings. The use of fresh vegetables will enrich the texture of Aceh noodles because the texture is still crunchy if not cooked for too long.

Various seasonings that must be in Aceh noodles

Mie Aceh is known as one of the foods that are rich in spices. The types of spices used are classified as many and can be grouped into two, namely sliced ​​​​spices and mashed spices. Sliced ​​Aceh noodle seasoning consists of shallots, garlic, and tomatoes. Meanwhile, the mashed Aceh noodle seasoning consists of shallots, garlic, large red chillies that have been seeded, cardamom, burnt turmeric, cumin, salt, and pepper. If you like spicy Aceh noodles, you can add cayenne pepper to the seasoning mix.

Source of animal protein for Aceh noodles

Many people like to use sliced ​​beef as a complement to Aceh noodles. However, there are also those who like to add crab and shrimp to this Acehnese food. Beef should be sliced ​​thinly so that it cooks perfectly in no time. While crabs and prawns cook faster so they don't require a long cooking process. Not only makes Aceh noodles more delicious, but the addition of beef or seafood will also enrich the texture of Aceh noodles. The nutritional content will also be more complete and better to meet the daily nutritional needs of the body.

Mie Aceh served in three ways

There are three ways to serve Aceh noodles that you are free to choose based on your taste, namely fried Aceh noodles, stir-fried, and gravy. The basic ingredients for the three dishes are actually the same. However, fried Aceh noodles use additional spices in the form of Bango Sweet Soy Sauce. Meanwhile, stir-fried Aceh noodles consist of less sauce than Aceh noodles. The varied presentation of course makes you never get tired of eating this special dish.

Now, you know that making Acehnese noodles is not as difficult as you think. Look for the right recipe before preparing the ingredients and making the Aceh noodle seasoning. Your special Aceh noodle creations will definitely make your family excited to eat them immediately by using Royco Beef Flavor Seasoning to make it even more delicious.


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